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НИКОЛАЙ Nikolai | Victory | Russian |
АННЕНКОВ Annenkov | Family name | Russian |
МАСГРЕЙВ Musgrave | Beast | Irish |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Nikolai Annenkov Musgrave, named after his paternal grandfather. ◖NICKNAME◗ Kolya, Nicky, Wonderkid, Nika. ◖ALIAS◗ Wonderkid is also kind of an alias. ◖BIRTH DATE◗ 5th February 2017. ◖AGE◗ 25 years old. ◖OCCUPATION◗ Interior designer, though with degrees in both architecture and engineering. ◖RESIDENCE◗ A nice apartment in Gotham City. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ Justice Society. ◖BIRTHPLACE◗ Just outside of Gotham City. |
◖NATIONALITY◗ Half American, half Russian. ◖RACE◗ Meta-human. ◖ABILITIES◗ Quite a few, all relating to changing of some kind. ◖HEIGHT◗ 1,85 m. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Average build, though quite fit and rather muscular. ◖EYES◗ Brown. ◖HAIR◗ Dirty blonde; blonde during summer, a lighter brown during winter, but he often colours it as well. ◖COMPLEXION◗ White with a tanned, warm undertone. ◖TATTOOS◗ None so far. |
◖SCARS◗ No physical scars, since they heal right away. ◖HANDEDNESS◗ Ambidextrous, but prefers left. ◖ZODIAC SIGN◗ Aquarius. ◖SEXUALITY◗ Straight, but definitely to the more curious side. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Single. ◖LIKES◗ Drawing, croquis, building stuff, colours, physical training, especially running and doing weights, watching movies and romantic dates, always being busy and keeping his thoughts going in the right direction, hanging out with his friends and family. ◖DISLIKES◗ Not having something in his hands or simply nothing to do, being alone, cold weather, not being able to make up his mind, being confused, not being able to draw, staying in bed alone, too much noise or distractions. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Heath Ledger. |
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I only do this because I'm having fun. The day I stop having fun, I'll just walk away. |
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➣ F U N N Y
adj. | fun·ny | ˈfə-nē Nikolai is one funny guy. That is what he would define himself as. He is always there to make people laugh or at least enjoy themselves - though he would definitely prefer if they at least gave him a smile on the way. He is very animated and expressive, taking his inspiration from his creative side as he spent a lot of time in front of a mirror when he was younger trying to capture the human expression, a vast map that is near unobtainable; but that did not stop him from trying. He is rarely seen without a smile when he is among people; he is self-confident, very out-going, and he is definitely good at being social with others, which might come from the fact that he was so antisocial as a child. This can definitely make him a bit intimidating, but as stated before if you tell him to stop or calm a bit down, he will do so. |
➣ C O M M I T T E D
adj. | com·mit·ted | kə-ˈmi-təd He is very animated and expressive, taking his inspiration from his creative side as he spent a lot of time in front of a mirror when he was younger trying to capture the human expression, a vast map that is near unobtainable; but that did not stop him from trying. This says a lot about him in the end, as he is always trying even if it seems unlikely that he will ever achieve it. He always keeps on going and going, but where he might not know his own boundaries, he is very aware of others'. |
➣ I M P U L S I V E
adj. | im·pul·sive | im-ˈpəl-siv He is the funny guy, yes, but it is not on the expense of others, and if someone states that he is going too far, he will stop. He has no trouble with seeing that he is wrong or too much, but in a given situation it is always better to state it, since he might not be aware of it in the exact moment. He easily gets swept away by himself and his thoughts as he is the type of person who reacts instantly instead of thinking it through one more time. He is just a very impulsive man, driven by emotions that are quite hard to control at times. |
➣ O V E R W H E L M E D
adj. | over·whelmed | ˌō-vər-ˈ(h)welmd He has a lot going on inside of his head, and it can be hard to decipher even for himself. Most of the time, he is able to handle it without much trouble, but sometimes it becomes too much for him and he locks himself away - but literally and metaphorically. It can span from a few hours, even minutes, to days where he has no contact with anyone but himself - and often his creations. Since he was a lonely child without many friends, he has created his own. Not that he has imaginary friends still, but sometimes it can help him just to create some animal-like creature, real or not, to comfort him in times of troubles and a clouded mind. He almost feels guilty because of it, as he thinks he should feel so much stronger because of his heritage and the abilities that he carries within himself; but even those seem clouded when his mind takes control. |
Nikolai has the ability to transform and reshape his body. This ability seems to embody most of his other abilities. He can impersonate others, both people and animals, imaginary as well as well-known. He can enhance his body for combat, either by turning into animals, monsters, or simply making his body stronger. Due to his incredible strength in general, his abilities are particularly flexible making him able to manipulate his form at will without any issues. He can combine his abilities with each other, even being able to form limbs into weapons. He can even reform, e. g. after being blown away by explosives. Because of his rather unique understanding of the world he is extremely good at shapeshifting, understanding forms and shapes on another level than others, perfecting his shaping skills beyond normal. Animals are easier, humans can be more difficult, but if he has seen the person before, it is really not a problem for him. If he has to do something unique, a form which no one knows, he has to spend some time developing it, but that is mainly because of his own perfectionism, not lack of skill. He can use it in the heat of battle without any kind of trouble. He can transform himself into inanimate objects as well, but this is rather boring, but a good escape mechanism. He can camouflage himself into other surfaces. Fictional characters are not a problem either. He shapeshifts without any kind of pain, and the form does not have to resemble humans - he has complete control over this ability and there are near to no limitations to it.
Nikolai has the ability to control his own skin to freely alter and manipulate it. He can only alter the skin of himself, not of others. Dermal Armour Dermal armour gives him the power to have innate physical armour for protection. He can generate this armour as a part of his body, which is resistant to attacks, harm or pain, and temperature extremes. This armour can vary from obvious, physical defenses, such as scales, thick skin or fur, natural shield, armour or shell, and in-organic skin, to bone-nodules below skin, particularly wide/sturdy rib cage, blubber, or simply dense muscle. He often uses different sturdy materials to coat his skin, something that he can use as both protection and attack as it simply makes the punches more efficient if his hands are made out of stone. Skin Hardening Skin hardening is a sub-category to dermal armour, but in this case it is simply hardening the skin, not applying an innate physical armour; a more subtle ability and easier to do without anyone detecting it. More of a good party trick than anything else - at least to Nikolai - but otherwise very helpful, especially because it is so discreet that he can use it in front of normal people (especially compared to his other abilities). Can be used both to increase both his defensive and offensive capabilities.
Nikolai can create objects and beings by drawing it. Only his imagination sets the limits, which more or less makes this a limitless ability. His understanding of shapes and forms is exceptional, which makes this ability incredibly strong in theory. He can create a new world simply by drawing. He can redraw himself if wanted, especially together with his shapeshifting. He can draw more or less anything: From drawing a sword or other weapon for his or others' usage or using it to get around quickly by drawing doors and portals anywhere he wants. He can draw creatures into existence, both real and imaginary, or any other objects. These drawings are only temporary though and can be destroyed by water or liquids, but if not exposed to such things, they work just well. A drawn sword will have the same effect as a normal sword, at least if the user's imagination is good enough - which Nikolai's is. Humanoids or beings can be harder to control and might gain their own will, but he has yet to lose control over something he has drawn. He needs something to draw with; he cannot just draw with his fingers, he need some kind of tool.
Nikolai's body heals itself automatically. He does not need to focus on it, the body does all the work itself. This happens within seconds. It does not cancel pain, but no scars will be left, even if he bleeds or feels the pain beforehand. The pains leaves rather quickly though as the wound shuts depending on the injury. It applied consistently, he will of course feel it. Wounds simply disappear from his body, leaving no trace. If the wound is excessive or very serious, his body might have to work on it more than usual, taking more time; but if there is no other stress applied to his body, it might be able to heal within a minute, even seconds like normally. He can regenerate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs. If consistently applied, his body might not be able to follow up as quickly. Though it is mainly physical wounds, mental wounds might also be healed, but not as fast, and it is not foolproof. This also applies to illnesses, diseases, poisons, broken bones, and low vitality. He also ages slower and the self-healing expands his life span excessively compared to that of a normal human. It only applies to himself; he cannot extend his healing to others and his abilities will not be able to evolve in this direction.
Nikolai has the ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between. By touch he can also teleport objects or beings, even energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can not only be used to escape or as a simple means of travel, but offensively and quite powerful as well, while offering superiority regarding movement speed and distance coverage. He can teleport more or less anywhere, but it helps if it's something he knows or have been before. He does not have to travel with objects or beings when teleporting them, making it just as valuable in battle as mere strength, since he can make the enemy disappear if wanted. He can teleport things into other things, crashing them together or destroying them, but the objects might lose speed during the teleportation, therefore not always successful. He can teleport an attack back at a target. He can even teleport a target to users front to intercept an incoming attack, defending themselves and causing the target's attempt to backfire at the same time. He can teleport anything small to surround the target to immobilise the opponent. He can teleport a massive object above the target, letting it crash down to crush the target to death.
Nikolai can create portals for transportation between two non-adjacent locations. He is basically opening a hole in the universe connecting two non-adjacent locations. It is both useful and extremely dangerous; if it is done sloppily it can cause rifts in the space-time continuum, so he has to be extremely careful when doing it. He does have a high understanding of his own abilities though, making his portals rather stable, but he does not have to use them as often due to his teleportation. It can be handy in battle or to transport more people at a time, something that can be rather difficult with teleportation at times. Besides transportation of allies, it can of course also be used to get rid of enemies. He can deflect and redirect attacks back at a target by opening portals. He can deflect certain attacks through multiple portals, creating attacks from multiple directions and angles. He can open portals to summon others; if he cannot touch them and therefore transport them, if they are not anywhere near him, he can open a portal for them to arrive instead. He can slice objects and beings by closing portals while they're part-way in them. He normally only opens portals for a short time, since keeping them open might make them unstable; a short time meaning seconds. |
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